TOP 5 Most Quoted HYIPS
The global users are very much curious to know about the top 5 most quoted HYIPS Manager Script . Hence below details would benefit global users and note down their successful trading. Aurum Bank and Luxearn It is still surprising to hear that two weeks have passed and the same two programs are sharing the Top place in the HYIP Manager Script Quotes section. The performance of these two programs was not stable enough during second half of the month. The quotation index was actually going up and down with changing day to day. The most significant decline was noted on June 28 when the index moved 48 points down within just one day. Moreover the following day things got better and the index moved up to 192 points, which virtually secured the first place for the two programs on the lead. Yesss It is noted that this program moved up from the third to the second place in the HYIP Manager Script Quotes section as its quotation index is nearly the same as it was two weeks ago. Ther...